Baulkham Hills High School


Telephone02 9639 8699


Application Processes

Baulkham Hills High School is a fully Selective High School and entry for Year 7 is based on the results of the Selective Schools Test conducted in March each year. All Year 6 students are invited to sit for the test at any of 130 centres located around the State. Applications to sit for the test are available from late October when the student is in Year 5. We do not hold open days or host tours of the school for individual families, only students who are offered a position will be invited to attend an Orientation Day.

Results are assessed by the High Performing Students Unit and applicants receive notification of outcomes by mail from the Department of Education. The school has no role in this selection process and cannot alter the outcome for any reason. Please refer all enquiries to the High Performing Students Unit:

Year 7 enrolments - step by step guide

Step 1: Parents/Carers will be offered a placement by the High Performing Students Unit.  You will need to respond to the High Performing Students Unit directly with the information you are supplied with to accept the position. There is no need to contact Baulkham Hills High School to accept the position.

Step 2: The High Performing Students Unit will contact Baulkham Hills High School with the details of all the students who have accepted.

Step 3: Towards the end of Term 3/Beginning of Term 4 students who have accepted a place will be posted an enrolment pack from Baulkham Hills High School. 

Step 4: Students and their parents/carers will be invited to attend an Orientation Day during Term 4.

Information for students wishing to commence at BHHS in Years 8 to 11 in 2026.

Please be aware that there are currently minimal available places in Years 8 to 11 in 2026.

Applications open Wednesday 18th June 2025.

Applications close Friday 25th July 2025 at 3pm AEST.

Late applications will not be accepted. 

Students are required to sit an exam with Edutest on Saturday 16 August 2025.


For general information about enrolling in a selective high school please see the Department website.

Please note the section on Residency requirements.

  • Candidates must be Australian citizens or holders of a visa granting permanent residency status in Australia. Information on Australian citizenship is available on the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website. Official evidence of Australian citizenship may be obtained by the issue of a Certificate of Evidence of Australian Citizenship.
  • Citizens of New Zealand who are permanently settled in Australia are eligible for entry. Permanent residents of New Zealand, like temporary residents of Australia, cannot be placed.
  • All applicants must provide documentation, such as a certificate of evidence of Australian citizenship, birth certificate or permanent residency visa with each application to Baulkham Hills High School.
  • Students born in Australia with a parent who was a citizen or permanent resident at the time of the student’s birth must show full birth certificates.
  • Students whose parents were not citizens or permanent residents at the time of the student’s birth must show their citizenship papers or passports or a permanent residency visa.


What needs to be included in the application?

Application details will be uploaded on the 18th June 2025

Students must compete academically with all other candidates for entry to Baulkham Hills High School.

You are required to submit the application with its supporting documentation as listed below.

  • Photocopies of Birth Certificate, Australian Citizenship or Australian Passport and Visa
  • Candidates must be Australian citizens or holders of a visa granting permanent resident status in Australia. Information on Australian citizenship is available on the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website at: You can get a Certificate of Evidence of Australian Citizenship or a Visa grant notice to prove your visa status.
  • Photocopies of student's 2023 semester 1 and semester 2 report as well as 2024 semester 1 report.
  • Photocopies of the last NAPLAN reports. For students applying for Year 10 and 11, please provide your last two NAPLAN reports (if applicable).
  • Photocopies of external academic achievements for the past two years.
  • Photocopies of evidence of participation in extra-curricular activities.
  • A completed BHHS Supplementary Application Form (this will be made available when applications open).
  • Any other information supplied by the candidate.

Generally, only a very small number of places become available at Baulkham Hills High School in Years 8 to 11 each year. 

You are entitled to apply for entry up to a maximum of 3 selective high schools. Each high school must receive their own application form and the order of preference must be listed the same on all applications. 

Students cannot automatically transfer between selective high schools. If a student is already enrolled at a selective high school and wants to go to another, the parents must fill out an application form for entry and lodge it directly with the selective high school they want their child to attend and follow their application procedures.

 It is preferred that applications are posted directly to the school or dropped off at the Administration Office at Baulkham Hills High School, 419a Windsor Road, Baulkham Hills 2153



Test date: Saturday 16 August 2025

Start time: 9:00am - Arrive at 8:30am for registration - enter school via Windsor Road only - CARVER CRESCENT WALKWAY WILL BE CLOSED - THERE WILL BE NO PARKING AVAILABLE ON SCHOOL PROPERTY.

Finish time: Approximately 12:00pm

Test Venue:
Baulkham Hills High School
419a Windsor Road, Baulkham Hills

The combined application processing fee and Edutest fee ($150) must be paid by credit card direct to Edutest

For 2026 applications, students who apply for James Ruse Agricultural High School and any of the schools listed below will undertake the Edutest exam once.

  • James Ruse Agricultural High School  
  • North Sydney Boys High School 
  • North Sydney Girls High School 
  • Sydney Girls High School

Each school will receive the Edutest results for their student applicants. Each school will conduct its own review of the application and contact parents directly.

On the test day, students must bring:

  • a photo ID - acceptable ID includes current school photo/library card or passport
  •  two lead pencils
  •  black or blue pen. 

No calculators are permitted.

The test will include sections on:

  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Mathematics, and
  • Written Expression.

Each section is 30 minutes long.

Online practice tests are available for purchase from

For all other enquiries please call Edutest (03) 9014 1411 - Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm or

Overseas and Interstate students please contact no later than 3 weeks prior to the school's examination date to arrange a local testing location. It is not possible to make arrangements for remote online testing in the week leaking up to the examination.

Final selection

An internal school selection panel of educators convenes to evaluate applications.

We do not accept enrolments in the Year 12 academic year.

Enrolments In Support Unit

Baulkham Hills High School offers a Support Unit for students with disabilities. Please refer to the Student Support Program web site for details on enrolments and general information about how support units operate:

For enrolment questions please contact the Local Educational Services team on 131 536.  For general enquiries about disability, learning and support please contact 
9244 5085 or Email 

As Baulkham Hills High School is a fully selective school, support students are not fully integrated into the academic program of the school. Support students do attend roll classes each morning and participate in whole school events such as the swimming carnival, cross-country and the athletics carnivals. Please note the school does not hold Open Days for Support students, once you are offered a position you will be invited to attend an Orientation.

For travel arrangements please refer to the Assisted School Transport program website: