Baulkham Hills High School


Telephone02 9639 8699

Sickness & injury

Students who become ill during the school day should report to the staff at reception. They are trained first aid attendants. If a student becomes ill during class, they should notify the class teacher, who will send them to the clinic with a note. Reception staff will assess the student's condition and may contact parents and ask that the student be collected and taken home. Alternatively, the student may be allowed to rest and then returned to class.

Students should not be sent to school if they are ill, regardless of the activities planned for the day.

If a student is injured during the course of the school day, they will be taken to the clinic and parents contacted. In cases which are more serious, an ambulance will be contacted. Every effort will be made to contact parents when this occurs, but sometimes this is not possible. The school will make judgements based on what it believes to be in the best interests of the student. The school belongs to an ambulance fund and the transport does not involve a cost to parents.

Students will be asked at the beginning of each school year to update medical records and parents with particular requirements will be requested to advise the school of a medical plan for their child.