Baulkham Hills High School


Telephone02 9639 8699


Our school discipline policy statement is in four parts as required by the Department of education policy ‘Student Discipline in Government Schools’, These are:

  1. the school’s discipline code;
  2. strategies and practices to promote positive student behaviour;
  3. strategies and practices designed to recognise and reinforce student achievement;
  4. strategies and practices to manage inappropriate student behaviour.

Whilst meeting these requirements, our policy is designed to reflect our statement of purpose.

School discipline policy

In our school we

  • strive for our personal best at all times;
  • respect, appreciate and care for all members of our school community;
  • are proud of ourselves and our school;
  • behave safely, considerately and responsibly including when traveling to and from school;
  • care for property belonging to ourselves, the school and others.

Strategies and practices to promote positive student behaviour

As a selective high school, incorporating a support unit, which aims to provide quality education in a caring and academically challenging environment we

  • provide positive, caring and appropriate adult and student role models;
  • promote the wearing of our uniform with pride;
  • provide student leadership and decision making opportunities through School Captains, prefects, Sport and House Captains, Student Representative Council, Peer Support Leaders and membership of school committees;
  • actively support our students in a wide range of extra-curricular activities;
  • provide appropriate support programs such as welfare, counseling, remediation, learning support and transition programs to assist students in times of change;
  • encourage the establishment of a partnership with all members of the school community through the P & C, school committees, newsletters, open days and information evenings;
  • recognise Aboriginal, multicultural and gender equity issues in various programs across the school;
  • support all staff in developing and maintaining exemplary teaching practices through ongoing professional development programs.

Strategies and practices to recognise and reinforce student achievment

At Baulkham Hills High School we acknowledge student achievement in the following ways:

  • Presentation night;
  • Merit system;
  • Positive feedback in student/teacher interactions and relationships;
  • Recognition at assemblies and at whole year Recognition Assemblies;
  • Performances and displays in creative and performing arts;
  • Sporting achievement at Hills Zone, Sydney West, Combined High Schools, state and national championships;
  • References and reports;
  • Contact with parents and caregivers in person, by letter or phone;
  • Honour boards;
  • School publications;
  • Involvement in academically challenging competitions;
  • A wide range of extra-curricular activities.

Strategies and practices to manage inappropriate behaviour

Our discipline policy at Baulkham Hills High School is based on the following principles:

  • Self-discipline and motivation of students in the classroom, in the playground, when representing the school and while traveling to and from school. These support the school’s statement of purpose, values and self-discipline code.
  • Students have a thorough understanding of their responsibilities and rights through systems. Structures and programs that are in place to support students in this respect.
  • Procedural fairness forms the basis of any investigation into a breach of conduct.
  • Consequences for breaches of the discipline code are applied fairly and without prejudice.

Consequences for breaches of the Discipline Code

  • reprimand
  • loss of privilege
  • self review
  • counselling
  • detention, either at lunch time or after school
  • parental contact & involvement
  • referral to the welfare team
  • student monitoring/modification programs
  • teacher mentor assigned to a student
  • negotiation and/or mediation
  • restitution
  • supervised withdrawal from class
  • suspension or exclusion from school

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