Baulkham Hills High School


Telephone02 9639 8699


Careers education at Baulkham Hills High School


Vision Statement

The role of the Careers Advisor at Baulkham Hills High School is to provide a nurturing and inspirational space in which to support students in the following areas of their career and professional development (in alignment with the three Strategic Directions of the School Plan):

1. Foster self-sufficiency in the complex world of tertiary study and work by teaching research, problem-solving and resource-acquisition skills to enhance adaptive capabilities within the changing labour market context

2. Connect students to a breadth and depth of opportunities in study and work through strategic contact with universities and industry representatives, in order to make informed decisions and career choices that have the best possible alignment with self

3. Enhance confidence and resilience in navigating university and the workforce through information provision, guidance, mentoring, subject selection and application support and careers testing in both individual and group settings


What standards is the BHHS Careers Program measured against?

The Careers Advisor is qualified by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). All of the career development activities in the BHHS Careers Program have been informed with regards to:



Create Your Career Google Site

The Create Your Career Google Site has been tailored for students at BHHS and has easily accessible resources designed and sourced by the Careers Advisor including Career Exploration for Year 10 students, Transition to Uni and Preparing for the Workplace.

Google Classroom Resources

Resources have been designed and sourced by the Careers Advisor and all Year 10, 11 and 12 students have access (Year 9 students can also access upon request). Content includes resources for Year 10 Careers Classes, uni applications (NSW, interstate and overseas), study skills, work experience, transition to higher education, interview skills, CVs and job applications, scholarships and cadetships, tips for entry tests, and subject selection/career exploration.


Weekly Careers Newsletter

The whole school (including parents) has access to the weekly Study Work Grow Careers Newsletter subscription which informs students about upcoming university events, scholarships and resources.

For more detail on all resources available for senior school students, please see the Parent Handout.



University Speaker Program & School to Work Program

Speakers from various universities in Sydney and interstate are invited to attend the school at lunchtimes in the TLC and Upper TLC in Terms 1 & 2. All Year 10, 11 and 12 students and any interested Year 9 students are encouraged to attend. Students are also encouraged to attend university Open Days.

The School to Work program uses grant funds to support senior students in their transition to higher education and the workforce by investing in the advice of knowledge experts in various areas. Programs will differ each year and will include aspects such as entrepreneurship, scholarship assistance, skill development and management of study stress.


Careers Excursions and Incursions

Careers Excursions and Incursions are organised for Year 10 students, usually in Term 4, depending on areas of student interest and industry opportunities.


Year 10 Careers classes


Term 1

  • Overview of Careers Education
  • Morrisby Online Careers Profiling
  • Work Experience
  • CV Writing


Term 2

  • Strengths & Skills
  • Subject Selection
  • Myfuture website exploration


Term 3

  • Introduction to University
  • Scholarships & Cadetships
  • Interview Skills


Term 4

  • Navigating the Workforce
  • Motivational Mapping


See more detail on the Year 10 Careers program.



Online Careers Testing

Students undertake the Morrisby Online Careers testing as part of their Year 10 Careers classes. A parent information brochure and sample report are available via the link above. Students also undertake Motivational Mapping via the Youth Maps online profiling report in Term 4 which assists with the career development process.

Work Experience

Year 10 students are given support for finding and securing work experience placements in Careers classes. It is not compulsory and they are able to undertake it at any time during the year (except for holidays due to insurance requirements) with assessments and exams taken into consideration. Year 11 and 12 students are also given support for work experience placements and can undertake it during the holiday periods (except for summer holidays).

Individual support

The Careers Advisor is available to support senior school students with their career development including applications for university (NSW, interstate and overseas), scholarship and cadetship writing assistance, mock interviews, pathways, entry and equity/access schemes, as well as general career exploration. Students are able to make bookings via the Google Sheets schedule in Google Classroom.