In PDHPE we aim to develop student’s social, emotional, physical, spiritual and cognitive wellbeing. It also involves students learning through movement experiences that are both challenging and enjoyable. Learning PDHPE encourages young people to take a positive approach to managing their lives and equips them with skills for current and future challenges. We aim to provide students with opportunities to learn in a safe and equitable learning environment and focus highly on the Quality Teaching and Learning Practices, namely literacy and numeracy.
Sports and PE Uniform Policy
Sports uniform can ONLY be worn when students have scheduled Physical Education lessons. These are indicated on the student’s timetable when they are roomed in the MPC.
Children cannot properly participate in the important health-contributing activities of Physical Education unless they are properly attired in the following;
- Approved BHHS black PE shirts - short sleeved with collar and school emblem
- Approved BHHS black shorts for boys and girls – school design only
- Tracksuit pants - school design only
- Tracksuit jacket - school design only
- Soft-soled or jogger type shoes with socks. Shoes must have appropriate grip and support for the ankle and arch of the foot. No canvas or material shoes such as ravens, converse or ballet shoes should be worn
What will happen when a student is not in correct uniform?
- Students have 2 weeks grace period to be in complete PE uniform
- Students must wear their normal school uniform to school on days when they have timetabled PE lessons as well as practical lessons for PASS. Students will be given time to change into their PE uniform.
- If students cannot wear correct PE uniform they must:
- Students who present themselves as sick or injured must have a signed note from parents explaining exactly what is wrong. Persistent illness or injury will require a medical certificate
- If the student has no change or did not come in correct PE uniform, but has a note, the student must complete assigned activities. (Teacher records this as “N”- i.e. note given.)
- If the student has no change or did not come in correct PE uniform and no note, then they must complete assigned activities and do a lunch time detention or clean up duty. (Teacher records this as “NC”- i.e. not changed)
- Students wearing ½ PE uniform ½ school uniform will be considered not changed, then they must complete assigned activities and do a lunch time detention or clean up duty. (Teacher records this as “NC”- i.e. not changed)
- On the 3rd occasion of not bringing a change of clothes, students will be issued an afternoon detention.
Stage 4 and 5 Personal Development, Health & Physical Education (PDHPE)
The aim of PDHPE is to develop student’s ability to enhance personal health and wellbeing, enjoy an active lifestyle, maximise movement potential and support lifelong health and physical activity. By undertaking the PDHPE course students will:
- enhance their sense of self, improve their capacity to manage challenging circumstances and develop caring and respectful relationships
- move with confidence and competence
- take actions to protect, promote and restore individual and community health
- participate in and promote enjoyable lifelong physical activity
- develop and apply the skills that enable them to adopt and promote healthy and active lifestyles
The PDHPE faculty believes that every student must be given the opportunity to participate in as many sports and physical activities as possible. Over the course of PDHPE in Years 7-10, examples of the sports covered include:
- Volleyball
- Tennis.
- Soft.
- Tee Ball
- Soccer.
- Futsal.
- Cricket.
- Basketball.
- Sof-crosse.
- Touch football.
- Oztag.
- Badminton.
- Ultimate Frisbee.
- Sphairee
- AFL.
- Gaelic football.
- Dance
- Gymnastics.
- NFL Oztag
And many other examples…..
Sports are distributed throughout Years 7 - 10 with increased complexity and transference of skills.
On a dry day, sweat evaporates readily from the skin, cooling your body. When the humidity goes over 60%, the body's ability to dissipate heat is limited and exercise in these conditions for any length of time can lead to a build-up of heat in the body and dangerous consequences.
- Drink plenty of water before strenuous exercise in the heat.
- Drink 200 - 300mls of liquid (preferably cool water) every 20 minutes during exercise.
- In hot and humid conditions think twice about extended exercise bouts.
- If, during exercise, you feel a little unsteady or sick after profuse sweating, you may be suffering from dehydration. Stop the exercise, cool yourself down and drink some water.
- If, during a PE lesson, the staff decide that the heat is inhibiting learning and becoming an unsafe environment, are more suitable environment will be found.
Stage 5 Physical Activity and Sport Studies (PASS)
The aim of the Physical Activity and Sports Studies is to enhance students’ capacity to participate effectively in physical activity and sport, leading to improved quality of life for themselves and others. PASS incorporates a wide range of lifelong physical activities, including recreational, leisure and adventure pursuits, competitive and non-competitive games, individual and group physical fitness activities, and the use of physical activity for therapy and remediation.
By undertaking the PASS course students will:
- Develop a foundation for efficient and enjoyable participation and performance in physical activity and sport.
- Develop knowledge and understanding about the contribution of physical activity and sport to individual, community and societal wellbeing enhance the participation and performance of themselves and others in physical activity and sport.
- Develop the personal skills to participate in physical activity and sport with confidence and enjoyment.
Stage 6 Personal Development, Health & Physical Education (PDHPE)
This course involves students learning and practicing ways of maintaining active, healthy lifestyles and improving health. It encourages students to be active and critical learners. It allows students to specialise in areas of interest including sports studies, health & fitness. It presents areas of study of particular relevance to young people.
The Preliminary course examines a range of areas that underpin health and physical activity.
Core Topics (60%)
- Meanings of Health and Physical Activity
- Better Health for Individuals
- The Body in Motion
Optional Component (40%)
Students to complete two options from either:
- First Aid
- Composition and Performance
- Fitness Choices
- Outdoor Recreation
In the HSC course, students focus on major issues related to Australia’s health status and the factors that affect physical performance.
Core Topics (60%)
- · Health Priorities in Australia
- · Factors Affecting Performance
Optional Component (40%)
Students complete two options from either:
- The Health of Young People
- Sport and Physical Activity in Australian Society
- Sports Medicine
- Improving Performance
- Equity and Health
Undertaking this course will provide foundation studies for those students with a special or vocational interest in human movement and individual and community health issues. This course would benefit students who are interested in the following careers: PDHPE teaching, Health promotion officer, nursing, physiotherapist, fitness instructor, personal trainer
YEAR 11 SKI CAMP - Smiggins
Students involved in the 2 Unit Preliminary HSC Course are required to attend this winter excursion. Besides spending a number of days on the ski slopes of Perisher Blue and Smiggins, it serves as a complement to the Outdoor Education Option course as part of the requirements leading to the Year 11 Preliminary HSC course.