Baulkham Hills High School


Telephone02 9639 8699

Parents and Citizens Association

Parents & Citizens Association

Parents are encouraged to attend P&C meetings. The P&C is the forum for parent discussion and participation in school decision-making. The Principal reports on school activities and is available to answer questions.

Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month, commencing at 7.30 pm in the school Library.


Working bees

The P&C, in conjunction with the school, conducts two working bees each year. These generally focus on improvements to the school grounds with painting, mulching, planting, weeding and pruning being major activities. The installation of better student seating has also resulted from these working bees.


P & C Minutes

AGM Minutes - 25th February 2020 (PDF)


At the P&C AGM every year, parent representatives are elected for the positions of P&C Office Bearers (President, 2 Vice Presidents, Treasurer and Secretary) and 12 Executives. The team meets twice a term to discuss P&C matters and looks after the operation of sub-committees such as the Uniform Shop, Working Bee, Membership & Social, Building Fund and Finance.

Selection panels

P&C Representatives are invited to participate in the selection process for some of the school’s teachers and other staff. Participation in the selection process requires involvement in a Department of Education training program and subsequent availability to spend time reading applications and participating in interviews. P&C representative are also involved in the building fund.

P&C Representatives are also involved with the Selective High School Selection committee and Y8 –Y11 Student Selection panel.


Being a Selective High School, BHHS’s community draws from a wide area; it is hard to know other parents or teachers or even get to visit the school. The P&C offers opportunities for parents to get to know each other and to familiarise themselves with the environment of the school through activities such as:

  • Year 7 Information Night (February/March)
  • P&C General Meeting (Every fourth Tuesday of the month, at 7:30pm in the library)
  • Working Bee (Twice a year, in March and August)
  • Uniform shop support (Monthly Uniform Shop help)
  • Y12 English Study Day (July)
  • Y12 Graduation Morning Tea (September)
  • Multicultural Food Fair (November)

Parents are encouraged to get involved with P&C activities as the outcome of said activities relies on the support of parent volunteers.

P&C Contribution

The P&C relies on the funds collection from the P&C Contribution. Over the years, the P&C has made several significant contributions towards improving the teaching and learning facilities at the school. Some of the projects that the P&C has supported include:

  • Construction of two brand new science labs, contributed $250,000
  • Funded $6000 to support student involvement in the 2018 Invictus Games
  • Funding for yearly sports teacher polo shirts
  • Construction of the bus shelters
  • Funding for students to participate in International/National competitions  
  • Funded the Green Group’s purchase of wheelie bins for the Return and Earn Scheme


The P&C is keen to encourage students to take part in extracurricular activities, competitions and activities representing the school at State, National or International level. Students who experience financial difficulties and require assistance can write to the P&C to enquire about funding requests. All applications are subject to the discretion of the P&C Committee who will take into consideration, including but not restricted to, the nature of the event, the financial condition of the students (supporting documents required) and the financial position of the P&C.

Contacting P&C

Email address: